
Showing posts from May, 2023

God And The I of Man Are One Let's Probe

  if I could persuade you to believe what tonight I hope I then I will try to your entire world will change you hear the word God the word Jehovah the word Lord the word Jesus to work right and you think of something other than yourself Rhonda vis greater one that you would worship tonight it is my purpose to show you that God and the eye of man are one whom you say I am that is the god of scripture confined as you are you think how could it be God created the universe and sustained you here I am like a little worm free scored in ten years and then I vanish but now that has turned the scripture return now to the sixteenth chapter of Matthew and the question is asked of the disciples the followers those who hurt him and he say to them who do men say that the son of man is and they reply well some say John the Baptist come again others Elijah others Jeremiah or one of the prophets then he said to them but who do you say that I am and the spokesman called Peter answered and said thou art